A theme in the book of Judges is beginning to emerge:
Step 1: Israel Worships Idol
Step 2: Israel Get Beat Around by Neighboring Tribes
Step 3: Israel Gets Tired of Getting Beat Around and "Remembers" God
Step 4: God, in His love and Compassion for His people, helps
Step 5: God rescues Israel in some miraculous fashion whereby only God can get the credit
Step 6: The people rejoice, the judge is proclaimed "ruler" or "peace-keeper," and there is peace
Step 7: The judge dies and the people "forget" God and immediately turn to idol worship
Step 8: Some crazy lady smashes a dudes head
Moral of the story: the ladies in Judges aren't afraid to crush skulls and the men are evil. This is a theme that any girl power advocate can stand behind.
Take for example the recent saga I just read, Judges 10. So, remember Deb and Jael and the tent peg through the skull of Sissy Sisera. Ok, so next Judge is Gideon vs. Amelekites (some kind of Ishmaelite offshoot, and various bad guys). God wins through Gideon, peace for 40 years. Gideon produces 70 sons, then dies (busy guy). Gideon has a son through a girl on the side (concubine, basically)- Abimalech. Gideon dies, nation turns to idolatry, Abimalech is a shady guy and has the other 70 brothers killed (Abi's mom was from Shechem, so not a full blood Jew, that is how he can rally support for the murder of the 70 bros). So then, to make a long story short, Abi does some dirty deeds, get in control, then God makes it so Abi's own people rebel. Gideon had one remaining son (the name escapes me right now, Joham or something like that) who somehow survived the slaughter. He leads a rebellion. Abi is fighting his own towns people, scares the people of this town up into a tower and Abi is causing all kinds of trouble at the base of this tower. Lo and behold our thematic element comes into play. Some random lady drops a huge stone on Abi's head (nice shot!) and crushes his skull. Two judges, two heads smashed by ladies, theme anyone?
Anyway, that is all I want to bring up today. Just more proof that the Bible (and God) isn't against ladies. Actually, so far in Judges I would say Ladies 2 Man: 0.... and Ladies: fair and virtuous, man: evil.... but that might be a stretch... haha. Anyway, this is my late night thought. Happy Easter Everyone. Celebrate with your family (:( tear for me not being with my family :( ) Rejoice because our savior lives! Amen
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