There is a saying that goes, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not die but receive life" (Jesus to Nicodemus, John 3:16). Yes of course this is not a saying, but probably the most quoted verse in the Bible, so in a way it is a saying. So what does this have to do with a Prostitute? Good question, Solomon said something similar to Jesus, which isn't surprising, since God inspired the writing of the Bible. But anyway here is Solomon's similar wisdom:
"The poor man and the oppressor have this in common: The Lord gives light to the eyes of both."
This is a good proverb for today, or for any day. It is simple. It is a time tested truth. It is a universal Biblical principal. But in spite of all this, it is hard for us to fathom. The fact that both the poor man and the oppressor are the same in that the Lord "gives light to the eyes," (aka- Life) to each the same. In the eyes of God, we are all the poor man and we are all the oppressor- we all need light to our eyes.
This has some ramifications for our daily lives. I am as guilty as the next guy in casting snap judgments. It is not something I like to do nor something that I even want to do, but it is something that I naturally do (sounds like something Paul said once in Romans). God doesn't do this. While we can't be God, because He is God, we can try hard to keep this in mind, that God saves and loves us all the same. While that is easy to say, it is even harder to live out.
The Prostitute and I are the same in the fact that we are both sinners in our own way and in need of God to open our eyes to see the light of salvation- of the need to have faith in Jesus Christ. We are not literally the same, but we are conceptually.'
So today let's give a shout for love- that oft talked about, yet hard to practice thing (for lack of a better word). WE are all the same people. We all have problems and issues- the poor man needs cash money and the oppressor is a jerk. Let's love each other, out neighbor, murderers, prostitutes, rapists, thieves, whoever- why? Because God says to, because in God's eyes we have a lot in common. What more can I say?
Love, PJ
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